Friday 31 May 2013

rachelll :)

Okkk so i know i blogged bout her b4 but i feel she needs to be blogged about again soo i just wanted to say she is soooo kind as youh know and she hasnt recieved a greeting in ages! nowadays evry1 just says no! so please, please give her  a greeting someone! just 15 diamonds thats all it takes okkk tysm x

Thursday 30 May 2013


i come with heart braking news........:( MY VIP RAN OUT TODAY yes, yes i know so sad but WHOO HOO new vip TOMOZZY 4 A YEEARR :)

i have ze list of ppl im giving greetings to............rachel: 3 emily: 1 katie may: 1 or 2 sophie: 1 jenna: 2 charlotte: 1 heather: 3 i will be giving out more probably but theese are the people im definatly giving em to x ( btw sowwy if i missed u out please message mee x )
ergg i ended up getting 3months :(

Tuesday 28 May 2013


omfg went on ipod today shite not MORE snapchats hahaha jokes love ur snapchats especially jenna and rosie ahahha love u guys x
aalsooo plz help my back up dazy1234567890 to lvl 5 please!? ye ye i know she has hideous clothes ect but dont judge her....:/ ( btw if u help u WILL be rewarded! ) ok luv y'all x 

smileyyyy :)

dis has to b dah most smileys ever right? haha
ok short post ik butt i was feelin in dah SMILEY mood haha - gettt ittt? x

Monday 27 May 2013


This has tb the most pathetic message ever right? 


wtf i will NOT add u if u threaten me i will only add u if ur kind! tbh most of the time i cant add atall cause of the terrible lagg!
 so yes this also contributes to the fact that i cant sometimes answer messages or slow in replying! i no longer recieve messages on da small chat so i now need to open big chat ok errrr datzzzz all byyeeeeeeeeeeeeee x luvv youh x 


hahhahahaaaa COME ON MSP!? like what the hell!? i mean i understand that would pop up if u swore but like saying 'kk ill see ya tozzy hahhaa' IS THAT REALLY BAD?. ooooo naughty me haHHAHhahhaha
oh yeah and i couldnt write for da next 5 MINUTES!? rrrrrrr soo yh thatz why i wasnt replying ahahha x ok luv yaa byee x


Hahahaha i know ur thinking, FUCK NOT MORE UPDATES!? hhahhaa but i think theese ones are actually pretty cool haha especially da FAME MAGAZINE hehe......
 this will help me see who helps and who doesnt wen i see who helps the most, ofc they will gettt rewarded :)))) x also the animation thing is pre-etty cool aswell hahaha take a look x 

 look how cool dat magazine is? WITH SUNGLASSES HAHHAHA X

Oh yeah and also...NEW VIP PACKAGE ON FRIDAY


pointing is ruuudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! x

Sunday 26 May 2013

Wishies...or fishies? :3

hahahha this girl asked meh for a wishy but i confused her with fishies hahaha :) #funnytimes
 hahhahaa admit it...FISHIES ARE AWSOME! 

Wishies....or fishies!? :3
wishyys! ♥
Fishiees! ♥
Meh - both :/
hehe created a wee poll as well just 4 fun :)


NOOOOOOOO so i just found out that im locked out for a day :( oh well anyways so thats the reason why i would be on in the next 24hrs.....oh yh i got locked out for saying F.U yeah, thats only because this guy was really annoying me ( like really annoying me )
thats the terrifying sight i got wen i logged in this morning :( AAAA

Saturday 25 May 2013


Hiii..just a quick post....ADD THIS GIRL she is ssoooo kind and thoughtfull! x  seriously rachel, is one of the kindest people i have come across in life soo yea ADD HER! :) okay byeeee xxx
          oh yeah and also give her wishys, greetings autos or gifts, she really deserves itt! and she really wants to get to level 9! so please help wat u can!
sooo kind! xDD


haha THERE WILL BE NO TROLLING in MY house!!!!
HAHAHAAAA so i decided i have had ENOUGH will trolling soo i put a notice up! SO IF YOUR A TROLL...OUT!

INFACT me and mah friend even shouted it TO DA WORLD hahhaaa so please take notive of dat sign and.....GOODBYEEEE FELLOW ALIENS xDD

loooong post xDD

hahahhaaaa keep calm and love daisy x get the message? x
anyway quich THANKYOU SO MUCH to cutcamilaXXX who gave me 4 YES FOUR greetings ( only took pictures of two sooo yh TYSM

OMG also i was being bored ( like seriously bored ) and came acrosss this.....dont u need to play a game at the start of wen u join? maybe isha DOES cheat......hmm......okay dats all byeee x
Hhahaha this is hilarious so i was like serioisly bored soo....i talked to cleverbot! omg loool seriously try it itz pretty funny :) then he started accusing me of being bob? err lol
sooo yh heres da pics :) haha CLICK TOOO ENLARGE :)

AAA xDD i may not be perfect ect...) but MSP REALLY HATES ME!
i dk if they just did this to annoy me but they greyed out mah messages xDD seriously NOT COOL MSP!!! hahaha so i cant talk atm but as soon as i have made it up to msp im sure they will un-grey mah messages....hopefully xDD hahah lol dats all 4 nooow....k byeeez x

Thursday 23 May 2013

LY! xxxx

Hi guys just a quick shoutout to bloodskull456 LY BABE for the 2 greetings! x okay shooo....HE IS SIMPLY AWSOME! xDD ok thanx bye
TYSM! xDDD ly xxxxxxx
xxxx LY TO BITS! x

hahhaahaha so me n sweets r us was planning revenge on this person who scammed me #IVILLGETREVENGE soo yh it was pre-etty gruesome lawlz...enjoy
Seriously is PURE EVIL
HAHAHA then we got onto the 100 things to do b4 i die list errr mine was slightly more realistc then eating a TURNIP!? oh yh and I FRICKING LOVE RANDOM CONVERSATIONS lastly congratz sweets r us for being on mah blog cuz she duznt know shez on it yet hahaha im evil BYEE

Wednesday 22 May 2013


Hi, err i really didnt wanna show you this but WHAT THE HELL MSP!? okay so i was talking to this random person who said hi to me so yh then she was like errr actually i wont say it just look at the picture then i went to the cafe chatroom cuz iv not been there in lyk FOREVER so yh then ......omg just look at the picture 0_0
really msp? like WTF?

seriously? who says that? 
Err yeah like i said i REALLY DID NOT want to show you that but SERIOUSLY WHAT IS GOING ON IN MSP!? err thanks for looking at this wrong post...O_o byez 
Hahahaa so today i was being bored - online as ya doo and i came across a few SERIOUSLY CUTE pictures of hamsters soooo thought i might as well share 'em with youuu! x ENJOOOY!
Its sooo effing cute n fluffy!?

admit dats da cutest thing u have EVER SEEN!? at first sight <3 

Tuesday 21 May 2013


Aha..lately i have been creeping people out by shouting out various vegtables...hahaaaha so heres a piccy on one  time...( lawlz )  i have done differend vegatbles to different people but didnt take a pic so heres one hahahha enjoy :D :D xDD

lol here is a cabbage..awh love em ♥....oh random ik lol byeez xDD ( HOPE U ENJOYED DAT RANDOM POST! xDD )

Monday 20 May 2013


Heey guys, just a quick shoutout to sparklegirl4016 who told me all about how to make this blog, how to add pictures basically everything about its! i have been so wrapped up about my blog i havent thanked sparklegirl yet soo here it is................................................->
thats a link to her blog..........check it out! (its really good!)

My trip To The Mall xDD

 Heelllooooo xDD i went 2 da mall today and seen pre-tty random stuff firstly..riding llamas? a mall!? Then someone went on FIRE yes FIRE and he  sooo we all had to take the fire exittt xDD thanfully, the ice man came and ut da fire outtt! xDD errr...great things happen wen u go to a mall eh? sooo yh ..............dats all..BYEEZ xDD
oh yh the guys now my bf ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Dumped :'(...Ahh well ♥live while yar young♥) dresses?

Hey btw i love one direction!!! xDD sooo this isnt too make fun of them lol its just i couldnt stop laughing.....xDD err..sooo enjoy the pics!! :D 
Byeez x

:D :D :D

Sunday 19 May 2013

Ask.Fm xDD

Heey guys just here to say i have this thing called where i basically answer all ur questions! so heres a wee link .......ASK AWAY! :D x lotzz a love....daisy x
...Enjoy! x ( btw u can ask as many as u like! ) no mean questions please! x 
lawl dats da logoo! xDD

Lawlzz random -_-

what else!?
hey guys i was just being bored online ( as ya do) and came across a couple of theese and couldnt resist to post em soooo please read and enjoy oh yh i hope u enjoyes my amazingly awsome random post...okay byeez xxx take care ;)
if only my teacher seen sense.....
