Sunday 19 May 2013

Random acts of kindness! x

ok soo today i asked lollipopmonster123 if i could we could do greeting4greeting i expected her to say no thanks or something but omg this is what she said insted ( she is soo kind!)
i was like OMG thanks sooo much! x seriously THIS is what i call random acts of kindness! like woahhh so this is just what some people should do more ( not to me ) but to a friend! 
sooo.....this is just a shout out to lollipopmonster123 for being soo kind xDD 
Okay byeez ( oh and please dont go askin her for greetings now! ) 
daisy x

sorry i just really love that pic vvv

later today there was something really nice said to me that made my day....something so nice i thoought i had to share it with you...seriously this girl ( hotpink300 ) is soo nice! yes there may be some bullying on MSP but alot of people are genrally very kind and caring! xDD ok thats all..bye x
Also this lovley, kind girl gave me a greeting! thankyou hotpink! this is one of the many lovley people on msp so yeahh THANKYOOOU! x 

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