Wednesday 10 July 2013

Lagg free :)) - kinda

Ok so i had like 1153friends and i am aloud 1200And im sorry buut IT WAAS GETTING OUTTA HAND!I have posted abt this before but it has to be mentioned again! LAG HAS DESTROYED MSP ( For mehh )

I Cannot talk to my friends for more than 7minutes without either my computer freezing or it lags so bad i have to log outi litrally cant go to a chatroom for longer that 4minutes ( if even that! ) and tbh the main reson im guessing is due to maa 1153 friends shoooooooi have deleted around 800 of em - okk so that sounds harsh im sorry if ur upset by this but i havent deleted u for personal resons i rlly hope ur not offended and we can maybe still be friends? i have to admit having 330 friends or whatever = ALOT LESS LAG!

i have kept ma close friends, ones that helped me and people who actually talk to me?
~ If u are non vip and i have deleted u its not because ur non vip i have deleted vips AND non vips just to get that clear ~
Im sorry but unless theres a reson to add u i will be declining most friend requests :( im lag free and i wanna keep it that way! yes i still have a bit of lag buut trust me its a whoole lot better!!!

instead of being able to have a 7min chat ( at the most ) with a friend i could maybe if im lucky have a 18min chat!!!!!!!! and insted of bein able to go into a chatroom for upto 4mins i could for a possible 11mins!!!!!
My computer does still freeze but not nearly as enough as it used to!
i do still have to log out but again not as much as i used to!
ty if u read all dat writing :)) x
ilyy all daisyy xxxxx

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